Week 9 AIR News

Kaya Wanjoo

The first term is coming to an end and seems to have gone very quickly.

Your School Board met this term, and you are reminded that you can contact any Board member if you have matters about the school you wish to be considered. The Board report has a summary of each meeting for your information. Your parent representatives are Julia Formato-Stockman, April Morgan, Sanja Tesic and Ferne Watson.

Your P&C AGM was well attended and office bearers from last year are continuing in their respective roles. The fund-raising activities in progress are the Colour Run and the Mother’s Day stall. I know that you will support them in their efforts. Through fundraising last year, the P&C provided funds towards the new electronic sign, shade sails outside Coastlands and they also supported our Leavers graduation activities. Most importantly, the P&C provides opportunity for our parent community to come together at meetings and during fundraising activities. Your P&C President is Joanne Smith, Vice President is April Morgan, Secretary is Louise Cuttriss and Treasurer is Peter Domasz.

I am on leave from Wednesday 5th and will return in Week 2 of Term 2. Mrs Baden-Powell will take over the role while I am away, and Mrs Dawson will be supported by Mrs Harrison, who has worked at our school before and knows it well.

Liliana Rebola, as a canteen manager, has supported the move towards a ‘green’ canteen. Under her watch, the school has put in place plans to reduce all waste. The school has had an industrial dishwasher installed so that paper waste can be minimalised. She had provided your children with healthy home cooked food. I thank her for her support and wish her well in her new endeavours. The new canteen manager, Aimee Holloway is experienced in the role and has told the interview panel she is keen to continue our journey to sustainability.

Camp Australia is settling into our school and I would urge you to use their services if you need to drop your child off early in the morning or are unable to pick them up straight after school. I would like to remind you that there is no guarantee that there will be staff on site before 8:00am and your child may therefore be alone unsupervised. Please make suitable arrangements for them to be picked up after school if you do not want to use Camp Australia.  The office is closed at 3:30 in the afternoon to allow front office staff to complete their jobs for the day, not to supervise students outside the door.

NAPLAN testing has been completed for Year 3 and Year 5 students. This year, the testing is earlier, to provide teachers with information about student progress that they can use in their planning. This is also why our parent interviews were earlier this year. It is important that teachers, parents and students all know what learning goals are and work together to get the best results.

We are aware that sometimes students need support to navigate an increasingly complex world. We have found the Wellness Diary to be a great support for classroom discussions. Year 4-6 work from this diary. If your child doesn’t yet have one please purchase one from the office.

Students have been very busy. At the interschool district Summer Carnival we won the girls’ cricket competition and were extremely competitive in tag rugby and basketball. Years 5 and 6 are enjoying their swimming lessons at the beach. Other classes are beginning to go to excursions which support their learning programs.