Students At Educational Risk

On a needs basis, intervention programs for students who are experiencing difficulties with reading and writing, are run to support their additional learning needs.

Students who are at risk of not achieving their academic potential are placed on either a group education plan or individual education plan by their class teacher. These plans outline goals for your child, as well as strategies that the teacher and yourself can implement to support their learning. They are sent home once a term to be signed and returned to their class teacher.

If you would like a meeting to discuss your child’s learning please make an appointment with their teacher.

A guide to understanding your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Group Education Plan (GEP)

This Individual Education Plan has been designed specifically for your child as they not meeting the expected level in the area outlined in this plan. These targets should become a focus of your child’s learning at school and at home and will be reviewed each term.


RedThere is little or no evidence of progress. Continue working on this target.
GreenThis target has been achieved or considerable progress has been made and this is the next step.
BlueThis is a new target identified by the teacher.

Please read and sign the IEP and return. You can contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding the IEP.