Our official school starting time is 8.50am when the siren goes. As a courtesy to you, teachers have agreed to open the doors at 8.35am to allow your child time to settle in and organise themselves for the morning. Please note that this is not teaching time. Whilst your child is being supervised, this is also a time for teachers to continue with any preparations needed for the day. There will be times when staff meetings are held before school and therefore doors will not be opened until official start time of 8.50am.
If it is necessary for students to be on schools grounds prior to 8.30am we ask that they remain in the area between the staffroom and administration building (near the sailing boat).
OSH Club run before and after school care on our school site and can be contacted on 9261 3206.
School commences: 8.50 am
Recess: 10.50 am – 11.10am
Lunch: 12.40 am – 1.15 pm
School finishes: 2.55 pm