P&C Association
South Coogee Primary School Parents and Citizens (P & C) Association meets regularly in the staffroom. Meetings start at 7pm. Meetings are well attended and average around 15-20 parents and community members. Becoming a member of the P&C is a great way to meet other parents and community members as well as to assist the school. Attending meetings is an opportunity to give feedback relating to issues affecting pupils and receive updates about school events and information. The P&C are responsible for the running of the Canteen, and fundraising for a range of purposes.
School Board
The role of School Board is outlined in the Education Act 1999. The role of the School Board is one of setting the long-term future for the school and maintaining oversight of the implementation of the school Business Plan. Our School Board comprises of school staff, parents and community members. Members are nominated and voted in to positions. Find more information on the role of the School Board in Independent Public Schools.
Parent and Community Volunteers
At South Coogee we value the contributions of our many volunteers. Many community members and parents volunteer their time to mentor students, help in classrooms, complete daily reading, and assist with our Multilit program for students requiring additional support in literacy. They also assist with athletics carnivals and excursions, busy bees as well as running the Bookclub and assisting the Chaplain with the Breakfast Club.
If you are interested in becoming more involved with your child/children’s school through helping out in any other way or by being part of any of these groups please contact the school.