The Arts is one of the 8 Australian Curriculum learning areas and we look forward to your continued support in promoting and developing the importance of creativity and skills through the Arts for your children.
The Arts Learning Committee has taken the initiative to set in place annual year level incursions and excursions to enrich the students’ learning through the Arts – Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance and Media.
Whole School Arts Plan
Year 2 – Edu Dance (incursion)
Year 3 – WA Ballet Performance (excursion)
Year 4 – Edu Dance (incursion)
Year 5 – Perth Art Gallery (excursion)
Year 6 – Edu Dance (incursion)
Students will participate in Edu Dance every second year. Edu Dance incursion culminates in a free performance for parents and families. All children are expected to participate to develop their skills.
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up only if you try!” Dr Seuss.
Our dedicated teachers offer Choir to interested students. We encourage whole school singing at our assemblies.Instrumental music (guitar) is also taught.
Whole School Art Projects
The mosaics around the school have been designed by our specialist Art teacher and all involved the children in the creation process. The Art experiences across the school are of a high standard and it is an area of great pride to the school.
Inspiration Grove
With Mrs Bux’s creative vision, these have been created by every child in our P-7 classes and were made possible through the donation of poles and labour from Western Power, and a grant from the City of Cockburn. Supervision and assistance was provided by a willing band of parents and Mrs Christine Ireland and Mr Steve Lushey.
Arts 2022
Visual Art
Whole school artwork beautifying the school is indicative of the outstanding quality of the program from Pre-primary to Year 6. There is a strong focus on large scale, whole school art projects which decorate the school and enhance student ownership.
Once again, this year’s Year 3 students added to the Butterfly Life Cycle mosaic by creating a chrysalis, thus completing the life cycle. The whole school community enjoys this interactive artwork which was inspired by the whole school STEM Butterfly Project.
The Cockburn Community Cultural Council Art Exhibition was held this year. Our school, along with other local schools, proudly displayed a large variety of high-quality work from all year levels; Pre-primary to Year 6
The Specialist Teacher provides additional sessions to three classes based on the History Curriculum. The Year 5 topic is “Australian Colonies” and the Year 5 students annually go to the W.A. Art Gallery to appreciate artworks from Colonial times. The students were able to be included in the Boorgangur Community workshop, making totems to be put on display. The Year 6 topic is “Australia as a Nation” and the classroom teachers organised a visit to Parliament House.
This year was especially memorable for our Year 5 students, thanks to our Specialist Teacher, who regularly collaborates with the W A Ballet Education Officer. Our school, along with two others, had the privilege to work with the W A Ballet Swan Education Project, for a 10 week program. This year’s production of Swan Lake has been three years in the making as it was infused with the Noongar Beeliar, Black Swan story. The students had ten, one-hour sessions, where they were immersed in ballet skills, creative dance, music appreciation from Swan Lake, mindfulness activities, learning Noongar language, creating artworks with contemporary Noongar Artist, Seantelle Walsh and listening to unique Noongar songs and stories by Kyle Morrison. The ten-week program finished with a presentation to the students’ parents/caregivers and invited guests from the Funding Department of the W A Ballet Company. The students were also given complementary tickets to see the production of Swan Lake at His Majesty’s Theatre, which was a tremendous finale to an amazing program.
The Year 5 students also did a wide range of mixed media artwork in their normal Visual Art timetable, to connect to the project.
This year, the Art Assistants painted a colourful, stained glass-window artwork on a grey slab of concrete, outside the Art room, adding another colourful installation to the school.
The Specialist Teacher regularly collaborates with the Marketing Manager at the Beeliar Village Shopping Centre. This year all Pre-primary to Year 6 students drew pictures representing their family heritage for Harmony Day.
The bunting was hung along the carpark walkway. For the pre-Christmas season, 350 golden 2D baubles were decorated by select classes. These were strung along the carpark walkway, to the delight of the students and shoppers. All the students get a thrill from seeing their artwork displayed at their local shopping centre.
Artwork is rotated regularly through our school office and displayed at assemblies, in the library, on special occasions and in the classrooms.
Visual Arts is an integrated specialist program and integral to all school activities. The specialist Visual Arts program sees students from Pre-primary to Year 6 working with the Art Teacher on a wide range of arts and crafts in a developmental way.
Performing Arts
The school choir was voluntarily run by Ms Barnes and met every Wednesday in 2022 before school from 8am to 8.50am. The choir had approximately 40 members from all year levels. The choir sang at the ANZAC service. In Term 4 the choir performed a 30 minute concert for the whole school and parents, and sang at the Celebration Assembly at the end of the year.
Performing Arts: Music and Drama
Music lessons were taught from Pre-primary to Year 4 students from the Performing Arts Specialist Teacher in Semester 1. Drama was taught in Semester 2 for Pre-primary to Year 4. Year 5 and 6 students were taught Drama for the entire year.
Whole school songs were taught, one each term and sung in unison at assemblies.
Ukulele Club was run in Term 4 by the Specialist Teacher during lunch time. Six students from this club performed We Wish You a Merry Christmas to the whole school during the Celebration Assembly.
Each year our Year 2, 4 and 6 students complete a term’s program of Edu-dance. Edu-dance is a holistic program – physical, mental and emotional development centred around hip-hop dance. The students thoroughly enjoy the program and the smiles on their faces at the end of term concert performed for their parents, speaks volumes.