Digital Vision
To inspire our students to become successful and proficient digital citizens by engaging them in the curriculum using innovative technology
At South Coogee Primary School Digital Technologies will be used effectively to enhance teaching and learning in all curriculum areas, to support collaborative and co-operative learning, to develop higher order thinking skills and to help all students to realise their educational potential.
Digital literacy allows students to engage with traditional subject areas in new ways. Teaching digital literacy in subject areas is not about being fashionable or simply about trying to engage students in learning. It is about addressing the changing nature of subject knowledge and acknowledging that young people will need different kinds of skills, knowledge and understanding as 21st Century Learners.
What about equity?
Equity of access is core to the culture of the school.
The school is already successfully using iPad technology in the classroom. Any child in Years 3-6 who does not have access to a personal device will where possible, use one of the school owned devices. This includes students whose device is in for repair or who have forgotten to bring it to school. Please note that school owned devices will remain at school.
CyberSafe practices will be taught to students throughout the year as part of the Digital technologies Australian Curriculum implementation. As a school, under the umbrella of ICT General Capabilities we are expected to:
- Teach social and ethical protocols and practices
- Ensure students conduct investigations
- Provide opportunities to create
- Communicate ideas & Information
- Teach students to manage and operate
Students will be expected to agree to and sign a Code of Conduct to use Digital Technologies at school. Social media will not be allowed to be accessed on the devices during school time.
Read our comprehensive 2025 BYOD Information