My name is Sandi McGhie and I am the Chaplain here at South Coogee Primary. I have been at the school since 2022 and I love my time here. I am here to support the well-being of the school community in any way I can. For those who are unfamiliar with myself or chaplaincy, here are some frequently asked questions that I am often asked:
What does a Chaplain do?
Chaplains care for the social, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being of students and the school community. This support helps students achieve their potential, both academically and in their social and family lives. When I introduce myself to students, I tell them that I’m here for them to talk to and to support them in any way they may need.
What does this look like at South Coogee? I see individual students as well as groups of students to provide support to address issues in their lives such as family separation, divorce, friendship conflict, anxiety, anger and more. I may run group programs to support the students’ needs in circumstances such as loss, grief, anxiety, resilience. I’m also available as a safe adult during break times so students may self-refer when they need to chat.
Breakfast club is for students in need of a healthy breakfast on Monday & Thursday mornings from 8-8:30am in the coastlands wet area
Do Chaplains have to be qualified?
Yes. Chaplains must have a minimum Cert IV qualification in youth work or other relevant area.
Are you Christian? Do you talk to my children about God?
My focus is on the needs of the students, so I don’t talk to students about spirituality unless they bring it up. While chaplaincy is a Christian initiative, it respects the rights of all belief systems.
Who refers students to the Chaplain?
Teachers, parents and students themselves can ask to speak to me. Referrals can be made via the classroom teacher or directly to myself.
Chaplaincy operates on an opt-out basis. If you would not like the Chaplain to speak to your child, please email the front office.
I look forward to meeting all your amazing Children,
Sandi McGhie
Available: Mondays & Thursdays