Students at South Coogee Primary School are offered a comprehensive range of musical experiences that cater for students of all ages and abilities. these include:
Music Program – this is a specialist program that is offered to students from Pre-Primary to Year 6. Students are immersed in the theoretical and practical application of music during these lessons. This includes learning about rhythm, beats, singing and playing instruments.
Choir – This program is run before school and is offered to students across year levels who are interested in learning the skills involved in singing in a choir. Participants in the choir have opportunities to sing at school events such as ANZAC Day and out of school events such as concerts and competitions.
Drama Club – is voluntarily run by our performing arts teacher afterschool. Students rehearse once a week after school. They performed their first school play called Camp Kindness and performed this to families and friends. This year we look forward to their new production!
Instrumental Music – This specialist program allows students to learn brass instruments such as the trumpet, flute, clarinet and trombone. This program is offered to selected students in Years 5 and 6 who undertake testing run through Fremantle College.