Welcoming you to South Coogee Primary School
South Coogee Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for around 500 children from Kindergarten to Year 6 on a modern, attractive and well-resourced campus.
South Coogee Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for around 500 students. It is modern and attractive with a variety of challenging playgrounds. Classrooms are well resourced, spacious and designed to promote collaborative teaching and learning practices. It has a strong student-centred focus. Our students follow our AIR values from our school’s logo of Achieve, Inspire, Respect. Our school behaviours are based on AIR Agreements owned and understood by all our community. The school has previously been nominated for WA Primary School of the Year.
There is a clear focus on whole-school evidence based strategies in literacy and numeracy across the curriculum. Teachers are supportive and experienced with the necessary skills to help students achieve their individual potential. Systematic assessment and reporting procedures guide setting of future targets for Operational and Business Plans. Teachers use National and Statewide testing to assess students and work collaboratively to plan effectively for improvement. Students use a range of digital equipment, including their own devices in Year 3-6 if they choose.
Specialist programs include visual arts, performing arts, physical education, STEM, Languages (Indonesian and Noongar), with instrumental music taught to selected students. Children can join an enthusiastic school choir and Drama club, or participate in Runners Club. The school competes extremely well at interschool sport. Swimming lessons are for students from Pre-primary to Year 6.
South Coogee has a strong focus on community and environmental responsibility. Whole school sustainability initiatives include composting, Worm farming, Waste Free days, recycling a range of materials and Coastcare and Fire in the Environment programs with City of Cockburn. This is an Asthma Friendly School, a Waterwise School, a Native Butterfly Conservation School, a Climate Clever school and has been a Wastewise School for 10 years.
As a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) school we encourage children to make positive choices regarding their behaviour. Our students’ positive behaviours are consistently acknowledged throughout the school. The School Chaplain provides pastoral care and runs a Breakfast club. Out of school care is provided on site to assist families who require child care before and after school.
The School Board has oversight of school planning processes, performance and finances. An active P&C Association encourages all parents to belong to the school community and to contribute to school resources. Parents are kept informed through our website, Connect, and social media. Parent surveys regularly show a very high degree of satisfaction in the school.
We invite you to discover more about our beautiful school by looking around the website and if you can’t find what you are looking for phone our friendly staff on 6174 1500.
Wastesorted Awards
The WasteSorted Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of Western Australian’s working towards a low waste and circular economy future, through improved waste practices and innovative waste solutions.
It celebrates those making landfill the last resort by avoiding, reusing and recycling waste and inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

Find out about the latest news and what is happening at South Coogee Primary School.
To maximise every learning opportunity and shape our students’ future through high quality, values enriched, teaching and learning.