Good morning
This has been a term which has brought a lot of illness to both staff and students. We have been very fortunate, unlike many schools, to have a pool of regular relief teachers and EAs who step in when staff is absent. Thank you to all parents who understand that we do our very best to provide good educational programs despite some difficulties. The quality of the school’s practice was acknowledged through a comprehensive external School Review. This is available on the school’s website if you have not already read it.
It has also been a very busy term with athletics, Edu dance and a variety of incursions and excursions. Thank you to all those parents who assisted at any of these activities. Your assistance means we can provide a quality education to your children.
Next term will also be very busy. Students from Pre-primary to Year 6 have swimming lessons, Year 6 will be having sessions from the Stephen Michael Foundation about dealing with the transition to high school and graduation activities, there will be the Sustainability Fair, Interschool athletics and a myriad of other activities in each year level.
The Department has provided clarification of the requirements for end-of-semester reports. I have been advised by the Department that our school should consider reviewing current practices to ensure requirements are being met, and that workload for teachers and school leaders is minimised. In light of this information, we are reviewing our school’s assessment and reporting plan. This has been discussed with your School Board. If we identify possible changes to our current approach, we will consult with families at an appropriate time.
Like all Department of Education staff, I am required to clear leave and so I will be taking the first 3 weeks to go to Japan. While I am on leave, Mrs Dawson will be Principal with Mrs Pratt and Ms Byrne working as Associate Principals. Mrs Parr will also be clearing a week’s leave in the first week of term.
Lastly, I want to commend the work of your P&C, especially the fundraising coordinator, Danielle Lee, and her committee. This has been a term where they have held a variety of fundraisers which have added value to our school. These include a Quiz Night, Fathers Day socks and raffle, Faction carnival day activities and Mango boxes. It has been a pleasure to work collaboratively with Danielle to help her bring these activities to fruition.
I wish you all a very restful and happy holiday with your children and I will see you all in Week 4.
Kind regards
Lyn Beard