Term 4 News

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We’re well into Term 4, and it’s shaping up to be an exciting one with plenty of events and activities for the students. Since the start of last week, I have been acting as Principal while Mrs. Beard is on leave until the end of Week 3.

Here are some key dates to note:

  • Stephen Michael Foundation: Year 6s will have visits every Thursday for the next few weeks (starting Week 2).
  • Year 2 Excursion: Cockburn Wetlands, 17 October (Week 2).
  • Kindy Open Day: 18 October (Week 2).
  • Interschool Field Events: 22 October (Week 3) – permission notes have been sent home.
  • Main Interschool Carnival: 25 October (Week 3) – keep an eye out for permission notes for the main carnival.
  • World Teachers’ Day: 25 October (Week 3) – a day to celebrate our wonderful educators.
  • Book Fair 30 October to November 1 (Week 4)
  • Year 1 Excursion: Kings Park Naturescape, 7 November (Week 5).
  • Year 5 Excursion: ATCO Gas (ongoing throughout the term) – please check with your child’s teacher for more details.
  • Sustainability Fair: 15 November (Week 6), an exciting event for all students.
  • Swimming Lessons: For Pre-Primary to Year 4 at the ARC, and Year 5 and 6 at Coogee Beach in Weeks 7 and 8. Permission notes will be coming home in the next week (Week 3), so please check their folders or the bottom of their bags!
  • Year 3 Excursion: 27 November off to the WA Ballet for a performance of Sleeping Beauty (Week 8).
  • Year 6 Graduation Activities: In Week 9, including their special lunch at the Duxton!
  • Celebration Assembly: 6 December (Week 9), 9am.
  • Year 6 Graduation Ceremony: 10 December (Week 10), 9am.
  • Walk of Fame: 11 December (Week 10) – Year 6 students will have their special Walk of Fame and students and staff  leaving SCPS
  • Last Day for Students: 12 December (Week 10).

Also, I’ve included the Connect and Respect document, which we have been encouraged to share with our school community. Additionally I have included 2025 School dates. These are yet to include school specific student free days. These will be communicated at a later date.

We look forward to a fun and rewarding term ahead!

Connect and Respect Document