At South Coogee Primary School the education of your children and the health and welfare of our staff and students is a priority. This term has clearly been a challenge to our whole community. We have had a focus on maintaining educational standards while working within the Health Department guidelines for COVID-19. Those guidelines have meant that we are required to continue any school activities and programs we have planned. The Department of Education has provided a range of assistance including air filters, extra masks and sanitiser as well as additional funds for cleaning. Maria spends each day sanitising high use areas of the school to keep students as safe as possible here at school.
School Activities
School Activities this term have included Swimming lessons for Years 3-6 at Coogee Beach. Our Year 2 students enjoyed an excursion to the Shipwreck Gallery to support their learning for HASS. Year 6 students spent a Team Building day learning about strategies for mental health followed by the challenges and resiliency demanded with ice skating. Wastewise has spent a day with our Year PP to Year 3 explaining how and why we recycle our rubbish.
School Assemblies have had a different look with our Student Representatives delivering information over our PA. Assembly items and our PBS information videos have been recorded and shown by class teachers. Merit certificate winners have had certificates presented after the assembly and photos have been shown to parents by teachers. Our own Acknowledgement of Country written by our own students is now proudly being presented by Sophie, Mya, and Abby.

Our school has been fortunate so far. The impact of COVID-19 has not disrupted children’s learning as much as it has in many schools. We have been fortunate that the isolation requirements still allow children to come to school both to learn and to play with their friends. Your children have shown remarkable resilience. They have learnt to play with their own year groups, in defined areas. Years 3-6 have become used to wearing masks . They use sanitisers. They generally remember to socially distance when they are walking round the school. They have taken on the challenge of RATs after classes have become close contacts. Our parents have generally been supportive of the communications regarding close contact and the need for children 3-6 to wear masks. We welcome the time we will be able to resume some of our whole school activities to which you will be able to be invited.
Sustainability Award
South Coogee Primary School is very proud to be one of 4 finalists in the Wastesorted Awards to be held on the 19th May. Our Sustainability program is a whole school program where each year level takes responsibility for one area. In this way students learn about different types of composting, worm farms, reducing plastic waste, kitchen gardens, and recycling for example. We are all very proud that our program has been recognised as being of such a high quality. The link Wastesort Award 2022 – South Coogee Primary ( on the home page under ‘Our School’ will show you the video made and edited by our students. This was shown to the judges to demonstrate that the program is truly owned by the student body.
We would all like to wish all families a happy and safe holiday. I know that the staff and students have worked very hard this term under very trying conditions without complaints and with good will. They all deserve to have a restful and peaceful holiday. Enjoy spending time with your children.
School Board Report
The school Board held its second webex meeting for 2022 on Tuesday March 29.
The Annual Report for 2021 has now been published and is available for viewing on the school’s website.
We were provided more details about the Waste Sorting Awards and the exciting news that South Coogee is one of four finalists. We have seen the focus on sustainability grow over many years at our school and this award nomination is an acknowledgement of that effort. We particularly acknowledge Mrs Anderson’s commitment to the program, but know this well deserved congratulations goes to the whole school on their dedication to this whole of school program!
Mrs Baden-Powell and Mrs Beard provided an update of the schools challenges in managing Covid. The Board would like to acknowledge the teachers and staff for the way in which they continue to manage in this ever-changing environment and the focus and dedication to keeping things as regular as possible for our children.
The new OT program has been running since the beginning of this term. Along with the well established Speech program, already it is of huge benefit to a number of children. The final year OT students work closely with parents and teachers to deliver programs to children requiring the service and feedback so far has been very positive. This is not a standard program in all public primary schools, so we know how lucky we are to have the program here at South Coogee!
The Board would like to thank Parent member, Hayden Glass for his years of service to the Board. His family sadly are moving on from the school, however we are very pleased that Hayden will continue to be part of the Board as a Community member.
This means that we will be looking for an additional Parent member – more information will follow in coming months.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy term break.
Board Chair