We have come to the end of 2024 at South Coogee Primary School. It has been a most rewarding and productive year.
This year our school underwent a 3 Year comprehensive review from the Department of Education team and was found to be operating in a most effective manner using the most appropriate current educational programs. It will be reviewed again in 3 years, indicating the quality of our practice. Your School Board was part of this review. They have oversight of the school operations and represent you all. A P&C representative is part of the Board and reports to P&C meetings on business conducted.
We are very proud of our Sustainability awards, both with WasteSorted and Landcare state awards being won in 2023 and 2024. Our school is now in the Australia wide awards which will be announced next September on the Gold Coast. This program is led by Ms Anderson, includes the whole school, and teaches our children to care for all aspects of our environment in their lives.
We base all our expectations for students and staff on our AIR agreements – Achieve, Inspire and Respect. Our PBS program (Positive Behaviour in Schools) underpins all our actions with each other and with class expectations.
Student attendance and engagement are critical to effective learning, and we have been pleased with both these. It is important that parents understand that children need regular attendance to be able to be successful learners.
Our students have participated and shown excellent sportsmanship in a range of interschool competitions including summer and winter carnivals, interschool athletics and cross country.
The visual and performing arts, including the choir have exhibited and performed at a high level both in and outside school.
Your P&C has had a bumper year, with around 20 of you attending meetings, and many more supporting fund-raising efforts. Apart from the money raised to support the school, the Fundraising committee led by Danielle Lee have held activities which have provided fun to both students and parents. The canteen is under the P&C’s responsibility and has had a successful year too and has taken the first steps to being a sustainable canteen.
This school is very fortunate to fund a final year training program for both Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapists. This year we also had a Counselling student who was completing work for her Masters qualification. These services are not common in schools and our students who need their services benefit from the work they do.
Parents of children who will benefit from a transition program have been notified that their child will meet with their prospective teacher this week. Those parents need to be aware that class placements and teachers may change over the holidays depending on enrolments at the beginning of the year.
Staff here at the school wish you a restful and enjoyable break with your children. We look forward to seeing you and your children on February 5th next year.
Lynette Beard
South Coogee Primary School