AIR News from the Principal

I would like to wish you all a very safe and happy break with your families.

The Department of Education is ensuring that we are well prepared to take the best care possible for your children in 2022. All staff on site, and visitors to our school will be required to be vaccinated. A letter will be sent out via Connect regarding these arrangements prior to school commencing.

We have enjoyed our year with the students at South Coogee who have worked hard to follow our AIR attributes. I would like to congratulate Redbacks Faction for being the leading faction in the school in gaining recognition for following the AIR attributes – Achieve, Inspire, Respect. This was announced at our wonderful Celebration Assembly. This assembly was attended by a huge group of proud parents and family members. Students delighted them with group singing of Christmas songs and other songs of celebration. Sports trophies were given out for sports awards. Book awards were given out to deserving students and our wonderful staff entertained the crowd!

Kindergarten Concert and Community Support

The Kindergarten classes presented some great singing and jingling to a group of their parents at their concert. The students at South Coogee also decorated the special Christmas box below which has been placed at Beeliar Shopping Centre to support families in need at Christmas.

A snapshot of school activities

Some photos of a fraction of our school activities. The winning faction this term enjoyed a circus incursion as a reward for their excellent behaviour. We had a Slime Run, Faction and Interschool Carnival, Volunteers thank you morning tea

Year 6 Graduation Activities

Graduation Day

Today our Year 6s had their Graduation Ceremony, this was a culmination of 8 year’s work for most of our graduating students. The ceremony was followed by a morning tea, hosted by our Year 5 students. This is a lovely tradition in our school. While there were some tears, we know that the years they have spent at our lovely school will stand them in good stead for the future and we send them on their way with great confidence. Congratulations to all the graduating students, we are sure they have made their families extremely proud. Tomorrow they are off to their graduation lunch at the Duxton which will be followed by the walk of fame in the afternoon. Well done to their teachers Ms Spears and Ms Young for their fantastic organisation of the event. Special thanks to Mrs Bux and Ms Rose for their contributions to the student performance and art work display!

Board Report

The School board met for the last time this year on the 7th December 2021. It was a great opportunity to reflect on the years’ events. We discussed our NAPLAN data in detail and were pleased to note that our students had made growth and progress. We say goodbye to several staff members who are off on new journeys and welcome new members to our school community next year. The draft budgets for 2022 was discussed and confirmed.  

From all the members of the board we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, a safe holiday period and a happy new year.